(Required) Two kinds of objects created for this assignment: 1. Speacial Objects: Healer-1 -- A heal package for characters in game to heal, I made it really similar to its model. 2. Building: PlayHouse -- A complex house with skeleton structure, two doors and ponies on fixed track, also many posters on the wall to remake the game. (Required) Five other kinds of objects that you created (possibly in previous assignments): 3. PlayObjects: LondonEye -- The ferris wheel I created in previous assignment. 4. Natural Thing: Tree -- A simple natural tree with real leaves texture and wood texture. 5. People: Travelguiders-1 -- A simple people mod made of simple geometry. 6. Terrace: FishingTerrace -- A terrace with a shark tied to a fish hook, shark is load from a obj file , the lines on this terrace can change its length, it is an animated articulated figure, too. 7. Gate: MainGate -- A complex maingate made of multiply geometry and detailed decoration. (Optional) Backup Objects (more objects that you created, in case the ones above don't count): - SmallHealer-2: Also the heal package in real game, just look the same as its appearance in game. - TowerGate: A beautiful gate made of two towers. - Platform: A platform made of staircase and complex geometry. - Island: A little island made of obj files, I put them together in a beautiful way, same as the dessert island. At least on of each type of object: Building/structure: Sidehouse2 -- A complex house with pillars and houses. Vehicle: Helicopter -- A plane from my previous assignment. Natural Element: Tree -- A simple natural tree with textures. Object loaded from a model file: Model: MapleTree -- A tree mod from obj file from web. An object with a shader that you wrote: ShaderObj: Helicopter -- It has a flag behind its tail, it made of shader to simulate flag. Other Objects that you would like to note: Statue -- I replace the stone made statue in Overwatch with this astronomy statue. Pony/ Healer/ SmallHealer is ridable.