(Required) Two kinds of objects created for this assignment: 1. Airplane (ex. Plane-0) Made up of primitive geometries to resemble an old fashioned plane model. 2. Rocket (ex. Rocket-0) Made up of primitive geometries to resemble a cartoonish shaped rocket. Triangles were used for the fins. (Required) Five other kinds of objects that you created (possibly in previous assignments): 3. Gable Roof House (ex. HouseGable-0) Made up of triangles with uv texturing to resemble a simple house with a gable-style roof. Texture was custom made in microsoft paint tool. *Reused from previous workbook (attribution in later box). 4. Pyramid Roof House (ex. HousePyramid-1) Made up of triangles with uv texturing to resemble a simple house with a pyramid-style roof. Texture was custom made in microsoft paint tool. *Reused from previous workbook (attribution in later box). 5. Car (ex. Car-1) Made up of triangles with uv texturing to resemble a simple car. Texture was custom made in microsoft paint tool. *Reused from previous workbook (attribution in later box). 6. Tree (ex. Tree-1) Made up of triangles with uv texturing to resemble a low-polygon style tree. Texture was custom made in microsoft paint tool. *Reused from previous workbook (attribution in later box). 7. Flag (ex. Flag-0) Made up of a pole and flat squares. (Optional) Backup Objects (more objects that you created, in case the ones above don't count): - Wiggle Snowman (ex. Snowman_wiggle-0) Made up of primitive geometries to make snowman. Wiggles side to side. *NOT reused from previous workbook (remade from scratch) - Tophat Snowman (ex. Snowman_hat-0) Made up of primitive geometries to make snowman with a top hat. Also features an arm to lift hat up and down. *NOT reused from previous workbook (remade from scratch) - Tree Cluster (ex. TreeCluster-2) Type of object that that is made up of individual trees (from above). - Moon (ex. Moon) Simple sphere with a moon texture. - Astronaut (ex. Astronaut-0) Loaded object from OBJ file. *Reused from previous workbook (attribution in later box). - Planet (ex. Planet) Made up of two spheres. First sphere is the water using a procedural wave texture found online. Second sphere is the earth where the position of the points and texture were determined by texutre maps. -Base (ex. Base-0) Simple platfrom made using cylinder to serve as a platform for the rocket (or others). At least one of each type of object: Building/structure: Gable Roof House, Pyramid Roof House, Flag Vehicle: Car, Airplane, Rocket Natural Element: Planet, Tree Object loaded from a model file: Model: Astronaut (ex. Astronaut-0) See above. An object with a shader that you wrote: ShaderObj: Planet (ex. Planet) **The earth itself, not the water Other Objects that you would like to note: Space skybox