List all attributions here, this include "self-attributions": - textures/: - sea/: - noise.png: me, cloud noise from Photoshop - foam.png: perlin noise from unity docs ( - tiling_water.png: drawn by me - cloudnoise.png: more photoshop cloud noise "by me" - grassnoise.png: nasty heavily clamped uniform random noise, also "by me" - heightmap.png: heightmap data, loaded to DataTextures. also mine - car_color.png: texture/"color map" for car, drawn by me - road.png: texture for road, drawn by me - lighthouse_color.png: drawn by me - boat.png: Boat by Poly by Google [CC-BY] via Poly Pizza ( - models/: - car_body.obj: me, from wb08. blender - car_wheel.obj: me, ibid - lighthouse.obj: me - boat.obj: Boat by Poly by Google [CC-BY] via Poly Pizza ( - environments/: - kloppenheim_02_puresky_4k: CODE ATTRIBUTIONS: Addon code from three.js is included in libs/vendor/three to support my compute shaders.