List all attributions here, this include "self-attributions": All geometries, models, objects, etc. in this scene are created by me, with the exception of: - The lego car - The lego flowers specifically (not the box) - Gonk droid's feet All of these objects are "real" Lego parts exported from a piece of software called LeoCAD which is a CAD package for building lego parts. I built the car using this tool. The model itself comes from the tool though. There is also a model for the flowerbox shape (the rounded square thing), but I created this myself using FreeCad. I can provide the FreeCad files if requested. None of these objects come from prior assignments. The only prior work used is the shader for the ground tiles. For my textures, I used the following resources: - Skybox: - Lego minifigure's face: - Gonk droid texture: Any other texture in the scene is created by me, namely, the house front texture, and the ground texture and corresponding bump map. I used a 2D canvas program which I wrote that you can see in texturing.js to generate these. If you want to see the canvas element show up, uncomment the commented lines in final-grtown.html. I also did use some resources for getting the dimensions to create my minifigure model in Three.JS, namely: - - - Had to take from multiple because just one wasn't giving me great results. Obviously, the level ideas itself are taken from the level from Lego Star Wars. This video was my main reference to recall how the level looked: Code-wise, all of it is written by me, EXCEPT for the code to handle a vehicle around a track, which I lifted from the example on this page and modified to suit my needs. The class I created ("RoadTrack") to traverse around the specific shape of the road in my map is custom though, I only used the same idea of having a class with a method for tangent and position along the curve, which was in the provided example.