Advanced Things: I replaced the black background with a cubic texture skybox that had stars and galaxies. The jet uses bezier curves, follows the tangent line, and banks according to a second set of curves raised above the actual path. The points on the path correspond to the other path and the jet banks by pointing towards those points. The model for the jet makes use of normal maps, and also has a point light attached to simulate the glow of a rocket expelling blue flames. This light mimicks a flame by oscillating rapidly. The buildings all use a normal map and emission map (and a roughness map in the metal frames for building1, but those are very difficult to see). All obj files that were imported were modelled in blender by myself and uv mapped in blender as well. The crane has animated, articulate motion. The grated texture uses an alpha map so that we can see through the holes of the grated texture. All textures use a normal map. The force field shader uses several tricks. First of all, the shader has transparency turned on. Simplex noise functions (code was imported from online resources, see attributions.txt) were used at 3 levels. It also uses a time uniform to scroll the noise textures over one another in differing directions. The lower two levels of noise are combined and then lerped between two different colors. Additionally, the fragments that are very close to the middle (0.5) of these two region are brightened and have increased alpha, making the edges between the light and dark colors stand out. The highest frequency noise is used during the transition between on and off state, creating a pattern that is seen when the force field turns on or off. The force field's uniforms are animated such that it toggles every 6 seconds. The crane is loaded from a blender model, like many of the objects here, however, since I had to make articulate motion, I had to essentially reconstruct the object hierarchy once the object was loaded in by removing the object, attaching its pieces to T.Group objects, and then sticking the root of my T.Group subtree into the GrWorld.scene directly. The crane has several motions programmed in. I linearly interpolated between several keyframe "poses" that specified the rotations of the appendages of the machine. The keyframes loop circularly. The radar dish is the only geometry here that was not created in blender and imported later (excluding the force field). Each one points towards one of the two ships. I am not sure which of these actually count towards the advanced points so I included multiple possibilities.